Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Am I 26 or 86?

The other day I took the boys to one of my favorite children’s museums. The Noah’s Ark exhibit at Skirball -for all you locals.

It is a perfect museum for little boys. Everything is hands on, and can be touched and played with. There are experiments for kids to try, animals to climb on and instruments to make noise with. They can help build the ark with pieces of wood and upon entering “the ark” there is a system of rope ladders they can clamber up, and bridges and tunnels to run across and climb through up in the rafters. There is storytelling, puppetry, crafts and music time for those who are interested. My boys would be happy playing there all day. Luke walked around in awe looking and touching everything and saying, “oooo!” over and over again. It was a wonderful afternoon.

This was not meant to be an advertisement so I’ll get back to the subject at hand.

When Mark came home that night I was giving him my daily detailed synopsis, and I said,

“Luke wanted to climb up the rope ladders and into the rafters so bad, but they don’t allow the non-potty-trained kids to go up alone. So, I climbed up there with him.”

“So,” Mark says, “Basically you couldn’t cough up there.”

I guess he really does listen to everything I tell him.

Yes, three pregnancies in four years have not been kind to my bladder.


Laura said...

You are hilarious. I totally feel you. I got sick with a bad cough last month and the worst part was if I forgot to cross my legs every time coughed.

JGEM said...

Thanks for the laugh!!!

BrittWilk said...

as long as we can still be best friends, i don't care if you're 26 or 86. maybe be 26 though. it will be funnier if we grow old together (peeing our pants of course).