Thursday, November 11, 2010

dress up

Us telling Russ if he didn't stop looking at his wings instead of the camera
we were going to make him take off his costume.

Thanks Aida for the pictures. More to come...
It turns out your kid's childhood is even more exciting and fun than your own. Watching Russ Russ understand Halloween this year was thrilling. He talked endlessly about costumes and danced around the house with complete joy when we finally showed him his Buzz Lightyear costume.
When Mark and I dressed as Woody and Jessie his happiness was beyond complete. He thought Lukey was Sully and seemed quite satisfied with Luke's costume choice.
Russ stayed in character all day and night, answering only to Buzz and calling us Jessie and Woody. He also loved standing in front of the mirror and saying, "Finity a Beyond!" and jumping as high as he can, which is not very high.
He wore his Buzz costume everywhere we went for the next 8 days.


Julie said...

ha ha ha. i love it!! mason was the same with his costume. And he was speechless when he saw me come up the stairs dressed as jessie. kids are the best. they make the little things exciting again.

melimba said...

oh my word.
best family picture EVER!!!
so so great. I'm sure Russ was in HEAVEN. I love it.

Jessica and Danny said...

These pics are so dang adorable! Good job figuring out how to do the Woody and Jessie thing without having to go out and buy the whole costumes. Wish I could have been there to see it!

Paula Wood said...

Grandma Paula is SOOOO IMPRESSED with the costumes!...and the pictures in general.


Grandma Paula